certified peer recovery specialist
Pocket Rehab PRS
U-ACT in partnership with PocketRehab (USA) offers an online peer recovery specialist training and certification. Peer Recovery Specialists are trained to support individuals needing support and assistance with their substance use and addiction recovery.
PocketRehab offers real-time, online support through their recovery support app. Peer Recovery Specialists are trained to coach and support those in need towards their own solutions. Callers are able to connect with a recovery specialist via text, call or video functions within the app.
What is the role of a PRS?
Advise on detox and rehab admission protocols.
Understand the nature of addiction and substance use disorders.
Share information on available support groups.
Engage clients in a coaching conversation to determine the best way forward.
Coach, listen and understand how to support individuals in crisis.
Make recommendations for ongoing support and care.

upcoming Training Events
- Time is TBDPocket Rehab Zoom Room